Tuesday, February 2, 2010

On Forgetting A Dense Book at Home and Having To Go Get It or A Day of Long Titles

What to write about? Authentic. What makes something authentic? Like rock, lets say. Fuck, I don’t want to write about this. What happened? Let’s see. I forgot my book, that dense tome that I later tried to dissect. It was enough of a burden that I subliminally forgot to bring it to school. No luck, though. Sorry brain. The ego kicked in and I rode back home and got the dense book. It’s not heavy, just dense. Worth reading, if you’ve got the time, but if you don’t, watch out. If you have to, then you’re really in for it.
I carried the book back to school, though riding the geared bike on the return trip. I had a brief conversation with the cat while I was at home retrieving the book. No snacks, though. I came back to school and wrote about the book. Tried to anyway. The density of the book is, as yet, not totally penetrable by my meager intellect. This is why we practice, though.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it

Anonymous said...

What was the book?