Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fear and Loathing in Eugene/Jefe's Library Trifecta

Sitting in a cafe inside the Eugene Library, reading "Bowl of Cherries" by Millard Kaufman. It's good so far. The writing makes it seem like the story exists in some kind of cartoon world, which I like.
Downtown Eugene, however, is not like that strange and comically vibrant fantasy world. The overcast sky merely adds to the dreary, dirty atmosphere. Lots of dirtbags, too.
The area around most public libraries in town and cities of any size attract that kind of element. When I arrived I was badly in search of a restroom. I quickly made my way through desperate hippies, weird, dirty and deteriorating old folks and other dubious types. When asked, the librarian pointed me to "the door by the stairs" and as I approached it I instinctively wondered if the bathrooms would resemble those of the Los Angeles County Library. If you should require the "servicios" at that esteemed institution, the place where Bukowski discovered the writings of John Fante, you'll discover that the stalls only have half-doors, like those country-house doors. That are in half. You know.
If you have to interrupt the crazy guy who's taking a bird bath in the sink why this is, be my guest.
Anyway, rest easy the next time you require the facilities at the Eugene Library. I can't vouch for the ladies' room, but the men's room stalls have a luxurious whole door in front of the single stall, if you need to hide from the creepiness.
Why am I talking about this? Well, like I said, I'm hanging out in the Eugene Library because some lawyers want me to wait until 5pm to file some crap. Litigation is in progress as we speak. If someone doesn't agree to someone else's demands, I file the papers. Kind of like a ransom situation. Maybe I just wanted to tell you about Buk and Fante.
You should know, however, that the Eugene Library is new, looks cool, and has lots of stuff. However, the cafe makes rat-shit Americanos.

Editor's note: The lawyers didn't call back until 4:45, at which time they instructed me to wait with a guy at the city office until they called. I had been there for about two-and-a-half hours at that point. At 4:57pm they called again. They had settled. I didn't file the papers. I drove home in time to turn in my shit at the Belmont Library.
Counting the hour spent at the PCC Sylvania Library, I spent time in three libraries in one day. A hat trick!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Six-toed Cat On My Car

I went out to Trillium Family Services on Powell, first thing today. I don't know why I'm mentioning that. You don't go out that far. Anyway, a white six-toed cat with black spots sat by the car. After I scratched his head a little, he jumped up onto the roof of the car and licked all of the condensation off of it.
Then he slid down the windshield on his ass and began to lick the water off of the hood and the bumper as well. I poured him some water in the overturned lid of my coffee cup. Some of it pooled up on the blacktop. He didn't drink any of the water in the lid, only the water that beaded up on the parking lot.