Sunday, June 1, 2008

Butt Hash?

Yes, "butt hash." I figured that the metalheads quietly packing bowls around the fire pit were making it up. Claire, Tod, Emily and Casey I chatted about a holistic approach to pet care and the met'lers no longer knew where the red lighter had come from. In an instant, everyone at the backyard soiree in North Portland was enrapt with by the mysteries and possibilities of butt hash. Was it real? Someone heard that it started in Florida. One guy, who claimed to have heard about if from another guy, explained with some confidence that one pooped into a jar and simply covered the opening with a balloon. Once the dookie had fermented enough to fill the balloon with the resulting gas, the gas was ingested, and you'd successfully gotten high on fecal matter. Still, no one could say with any definitive proof whether butt hash was a real thing.

Later on, the talk turned to Eastern religious thought and whether, if you were reincarnated as a shit-eating nutrea, would you continue to eat the poop, or not, and which option would lead to enlightenment?
Also, if Tod wins the lottery, he is going to build a house in front of the new house at the Bluffs and put a moat around it with alligators that have been genetically altered to resist the chemicals that would be needed to prevent the spread of mosquitos larvae in the moat. Also, the alligators would eat nothing but hippies.
Then it went back to butt hash.

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