Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Modern-Day Lynch Mob Comes Home to Roost

I listen to NPR a lot now as I deliver shit around the town. And mostly it just makes me mad. Recently, America forced Barack Obama, a mixed-race presidential candidate, to denounce words by his long-time pastor and life-long African-American Jeremiah Wright. Weeks earlier Obama had to double-denounce Louis Farrakhan, just in case you thought that the senator might enlist the support of such a beloved and unifying figure with whom his campaign had previously not had anything to do with. To his credit, Obama did not disassociate himself from Wright, and I'm sure you've heard him explain why. At any rate, most of Wright's words were taken out of context, and in some cases were just plain painfully right. Of course, a black man saying that the United States had it coming will not be tolerated by the white power structure or it's lap dog, the skittish white majority ('member what happened to that Malcolm X guy that said that thing about "the chickens come home to roost"?). As more things come out about Wright's words, the pundits ask "was it enough?"
This has to be the most hypocritical bullshit ever, and if you thought that America was "getting over the race issue," think again. Because, as usually happens in these times of hope for a new day, America shows just how racist it still is. I was starting to think otherwise, but I was wrong.

Say what you want about Obama and Wright, the real nuts are on the other side of the aisle--they just happen to be smiling white old men.

Old white man John McCain sought, received and accepted the endorsement of one John C. Hagee, a televangelist minister from San Antonio, Texas (read: a proud preacher's son from middle-America). Hagee's positions/beliefs include: Advocating a preemptive strike on Iran, which will serve as the catalyst for the Armagedon, the Rapture, the Second Coming, etc. Somehow this helps the Jews everywhere; God destroyed New Orleans with Hurricane Katrina. Yep, it was the queers--NOT global warming. They were going to have a parade of some sort, and as you know, God doesn't like it when gay people walk around all at once. I would say something about trailer parks, but that's a tornado thing. Other Hagee weirdness has him calling the Catholic church a whore (well...), blaming the Jews indirectly for their fate during the Holocaust, all "Islamists" want to kill you, and a host of other biases, blasphemes and flase prophesies. In his books he's predicted the end times, and when they don't happen, he just writes more books with the End Times ending differently and sells thousands more.

Alas, I digress. My point is, that while we're scared of Jeremiah Wright's political influence, we should be worrying about John Hagee, yet no one is horrified. Not even NPR (except Bill Moyers Journal--podcast it, dude. URL is below). Not to worry, though. He's not black, he's just crazy. Clarence Thomas' "modern-day lynch mob" is back.

Seriously, you should check this podcast out. Bill Moyers Journal, episode is "Christians United for Israel." Yikes. I highly recommend that you listen to this. It will scare the shit out of you.

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